Flavio Stroppini
Bar Macello


12 x 16 cm
48 pp.

ISBN 88-87469-08-3,

CHF 15.-
GBP 6,30
USD 10.-
EURO 10.-

The author reveals through his verses an incredible capacity of observation of the world which surrounds him and his "actors", and at the same time an unusual introspective capacity. In his poetry we perceive clearly a critical vein of man and of contemporary society, and at the same time a great love which transforms into a message of hope. Hope not banalised in the desire for a better society, but hope for the mind, for the mind of every single individual. In his verses is inherent the desire to re-use the human mind, to remind ourselves of our capacity to discern, criticise and "manage" the concept of good and bad present in the human being.
The author asks us to open our eyes (not just those of the mind) to realise how we were, where we came from, and, above all, what we are doing for future generations. It is fundamental for the human being to use that capacity which distinguishes us from other living creatures and which invests us with an incredible power: the ability to "see" and "think" about the future.